Why Chancery Corporate Services Limited and why Barbados?
Our commitment to providing responsive, professional, top quality service geared towards facilitating your business needs
Our attention to and understanding of the changing business environment
Our access to the wealth of knowledge available at Chancery Chambers
Our understanding and proven utilization of the Barbados international tax treaty network
Our long tradition of service to international, corporate and trustee organizations
Chancery Corporate Services Limited (“CCSL”) offers responsive and professional corporate and trust services. An affiliate of Chancery Chambers, CCSL had its genesis in the service of select clients of Chancery Chambers who required corporate managerial services. For over 30 years, Chancery Chambers has been providing comprehensive legal services to the local and international business sectors.
CCSL currently provides guidance to local and international clients with respect to companies, Societies with Restricted Liability, Segregated Cell Companies, Incorporated Cell Companies and various licences, including foreign currency permits and insurance licences.
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